Acupuncture, Dermal Fillers & Injectables, Eyelash & Brow treatments, Facials & Peels, Fat reduction, IPL & Laser Treatments, Makeup, Massage & Remedial Massage, Clinical skin treatments, Microdermabrasion, Microneedling & Hydrabrasion, LED Light Therapy, Semi-permanent makeup & Tattoo.
Sparadise Medical & Cosmetic Clinic is one of Victoria's leading clinics, offering comprehensive medical and cosmetic services to Melbourne's diverse communities. The clinic boasts a team of top cosmetic surgeons, GPs, Chinese medicine doctors, chiropractors, registered nurses, beauty therapists, and laser therapists. Within a professional environment, Sparadise delivers the best non-surgical cosmetic solutions and highly satisfying medical treatments. The clinic ensures high-quality products from top cosmetic providers, adhering to stringent standards of performance and skin compatibility. Each product offers a professional excellence that meets the needs of every woman, promising an ultimate sensory experience and effective results.
Photography: Courtesy of Sparadise Cosmetic Clinic