Piercing Ear and Body, Eyelash & Brow treatments, Hair Removal, IPL & Laser Treatments, Microdermabrasion, Microneedling & Hydrabrasion, Tanning, Facials & Peels.
Essential Beauty at Southlands Boulevard is a premier destination for beauty enthusiasts, offering expert body piercing services with a diverse range of jewellery options. Specialising in brow & lash tinting, lash lifts, and waxing for men and women, their highly trained Beauty Therapists provide top-notch hair removal treatments including Brazilian and bikini waxing styles, as well as facial, body, and male waxing. Whether it's for a bold new piercing or a smooth waxing session, Essential Beauty Southlands Boulevard delivers professional service tailored to meet diverse beauty needs.
Photography: Courtesy of Essential Beauty Southlands Boulevarde